McLanahan designs its Coarse Material Screw Washers with more paddles than any other screw washer on the market. More paddles paired with less downtime, simplified maintenance and longer retention times provide operations with more clean product for the highest profitability. 

McLanahan Coarse Material Screw Washers Feature More Paddles for Cleaner Product

McLanahan Coarse Material Screw Washers feature more paddles than any other on the market. This provides increased attrition and retention time for a cleaner product.

“Added retention time provides a cleaner product, therefore a more valuable product coming off the end,” said Regional Sales Manager Stephen Shortsleeve.

More Paddles, Cleaner Product

McLanahan designs its Coarse Material Screw Washers with 20 paddles in the scrubbing area, about 2-4’ from the back plate. Competing units only have 12-15 paddles. The additional paddles provide increased scrubbing to remove deleterious material from the feed before it is conveyed by the spiral screw flights on the remainder of the shaft to discharge as a clean product [READ MORE].


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The Differences (And Similarities) Between Coarse Material Screw Washers And Blade Mills


Both Coarse Material Screw Washers and Blade Mills are used for washing rock and ore that have soluble mud and clay contaminants that can't be cleaned solely by a wet washing vibrating screen. How one is installed compared to the other depends on the downstream processing and if -4 mesh or 5mm fines need to be scrubbed or washed too.

Coarse Material Screw Washers

Coarse Material Screw Washers are used for washing coarse fractions only, meaning the fines (such as sand-sized material) have been removed by screening ahead of the unit. 

These machines are typically installed on a fairly steep incline, sort of like a sand screw, allowing dissolved silts and clays to overflow. In some instances, if already sized, this rock fraction can be directly conveyed to a stockpile [READ MORE].



Coarse Material Screw Washer Resources

At McLanahan, we aren't just here to sell you equipment - we're here to make sure that you're going to be up and running, creating material and making money. We provide our dealers and customers with educational resources to properly use, service and support their equipment. Here are a few of the resources available to you about your McLanahan Coarse Material Screw Washer. 

WATCH: Classic Equipment - Sand Tanks and Screw Washers Webinar

READ: 8 Common Misconceptions About Screw Washers

DOWNLOAD: The Differences Between Blade Mills and Coarse Material Screw Washers

DOWNLOAD: Screw Washer Troubleshooting Guide

Learn more in the brochure

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