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There's a reason McLanahan Corporation has more than 500 Log Washers operating in the field. Since it was invented by Samuel Calvin McLanahan during the second generation of family ownership, the Log Washer designed has been refined and perfected. Used to remove tough, plastic clay contaminants and other deleterious material from gravel, stone and hard ore feeds, today's Log Washer is designed with safety and simplicity of operation in mind.

McLanahan Log Washers Still an Industry Staple after More Than a Century

The Log Washer was invented in 1891 by Samuel Calvin McLanahan, the second generation of family ownership of McLanahan Corporation, to remove clay from gravel, various types of ores and crushed stone to improve the quality of the material.

Samuel Calvin’s design featured paddles bolted to squared-off tree logs, which is how the Log Washer got its name. The paddles on the counter rotating log shafts agitated the material to facilitate particle-on-particle scrubbing as well as moved the cleaned material toward the discharge end. Liberated clay was removed with the wash water from near the feed end of the machine.

“It was quite an invention, and we still manufacture it,” said Michael McLanahan, Chairman of McLanahan Corporation’s Board of Directors and Samuel Calvin’s great-grandson.

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Log Washer Resources

At McLanahan, we aren't just here to sell you equipment - we're here to make sure that you're going to be up and running, creating material and making money. We provide our dealers and customers with educational resources to properly use, service and support their equipment. Here are a few of the resources available to you about your McLanahan Log Washer. 

VISIT: McLanahan Log Washer Support Page

DOWNLOAD: Log Washer Troubleshooting Guide

DOWNLOAD: Log Washer Spare Parts List

VISIT: UltaSCRUB Modular Scrubbing Systems

VISIT: McLanahan's List of Scrubbing Solutions


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How the Log Washer Got Its Name: The History of Log Washers


The late 19th century brought about an invention that would change the mining industry, and later the aggregate industry, forever. The Log Washer was designed to remove clay from gravel, various types of ores and crushed stone to improve the quality of that material for making stronger concrete, producing quality iron ore for blast furnaces, etc. It was not designed to wash logs as the name seems to imply.

So how did the Log Washer get its name? To answer that, let’s take a look at the history of the Log Washer, starting with its inventor, Samuel Calvin McLanahan.

Samuel Calvin McLanahan: Innovator and inventor

Samuel Calvin McLanahan’s illustrious life as an innovator and inventor began at an early age. The son of James Craig McLanahan, one of the original founders of what is now McLanahan Corporation, Samuel Calvin developed the company’s first accounting system when he was 14. At age 18, he was single-handedly operating the Wheel Press and Car Wheel Boring Mill – a two-man job. After serving in the United States Navy for six years during the Civil War era, Samuel Calvin returned to the family foundry and machine shop business, where he produced all the drawings, estimates, contracts and correspondence, as well as designed and built a four stroke 100-ton blowing engine used in foundry blast furnaces to increase melt temperature.

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