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McLanahan Filter Press

Over 5 Billion

Over 5 billion gallons of water have been saved by McLanahan Filter Presses throughout North America since 2012. One of the most widely used pieces of equipment in liquid-solid separation, the Filter Press provides the ability to recover clean water to be used in other parts of your operation. Whether you need to eliminate your pond, meet environmental restrictions or limit water usage, the McLanahan Filter Press is the solution for your site.

McLanahan Filter Presses a Sustainable Solution to Fine Material Waste

Aggregate and minerals processing producers typically send the fine material waste from their wet processing plant to settling ponds or tailings dams, which provide a space for the solid material to settle and allow the recovery of reusable water. 

Usually, these ponds are difficult and costly to manage in terms of maintenance, since full ponds require the periodic removal of material. Permitting new ponds to hold the additional fine material waste can be a challenge as well. Ponds can also take up quite a bit of valuable land space, potentially covering up mineable reserves.

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Belt Filter Presses vs. Recessed Plate Filter Presses: 4 Key Differences


Belt filter presses and recessed plate filter presses are both used to separate solids and liquids in slurries in a variety of applications, including the aggregate and mining industries. 

The similarities between the two pieces of equipment end there, however. Besides design and how they work, belt filter presses and recessed plate filter presses differ in four key areas, which are outlined below. 

Belt Filter Presses

Belt filter presses are a type of equipment used to separate solids and liquids in slurries. 

The slurry is continuously fed to a delivery zone/box, then forced between two moving porous belts. The belts pass over and under rollers of various diameters, forcing the liquid to be squeezed out of the slurry while the solid cake material is retained between the belts. Increased pressure is created as the belt passes over rollers of decreasing diameter.  

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How an Overhead Beam Filter Press Works



Learn More About McLanahan Filter Presses

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McLanahan's Overhead Beam and Side Beam styles of Filter Press provide the ability to optimize the recovery of clean, reusable water. They not only offer the ability to reduce or eliminate the use of ponds, but they limit material handling costs, water usage and equipment repair costs. The McLanahan Filter Press benefits a 24/7 operation by providing high machine performance with excellent support to keep plants running.

filter press plate

Modern Plate Technology

McLanahan's modern recessed plates and membrane plates create a chamber for dewatering slurry without trapping cakes within the frames. Unlike traditional plate and frame designs, this allows cakes to discharge more easily.

service and support

Customer Service & Support

McLanahan's Customer Service group offers a wide range of in stock spare parts as well as routine maintenance service support. All of McLanahan's Filter Presses are equipped with remote access capabilities for efficient monitoring and troubleshooting.

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On-Site and Lab Testing

Material testing is needed prior to properly sizing a Filter Press for your application. In order to guarantee the right solution for your operation, McLanahan offers experienced lab and on-site pilot testing with a wide range of testing capabilities.

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