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250 Million Gallons

That's the amount of water saved per day from McLanahan Thickeners throughout North America. McLanahan's vast range of Thickeners are ideal when water is in short supply or very expensive, or when in need of reducing or eliminating settling ponds.

McLanahan Thickeners Provide Efficient and Sustainable Water Recycling

thickener-clarifier (2)In the aggregate industry, the main function of a Thickener is to separate suspended solids from plant effluent to reduce the total volume of waste while returning water for immediate reuse in the process.

Sustainable Water Recycling

Thickeners not only help create a more sustainable site by producing reusable process water, they also minimize the environmental impact and safety risks associated with multiple or large settling ponds. Separating the liquids from the solids decreases the volume headed to the pond, allowing producers to reduce or potentially eliminate their ponds.

McLanahan Thickeners are ideal for sites where:

  • Water is scarce or expensive.
  • Land is scarce or there is no space for ponds.
  • Ponds may not be an option from a regulation standpoint.
  • Maintaining ponds and the expenses associated with that is a concern.
  • Ponds would potentially cover up mineable reserves. 
    Visit our website to continue reading.

Ultra Rakeless Thickener

See how the McLanahan ULT provides a small footprint for separating liquid from solids in a slurry. 

Paste Thickener

Watch to learn how McLanahan Paste Thickeners use gravity separation to achieve the highest solids concentration possible.

High-Rate Thickener

Watch to learn how McLanahan High-Rate Thickeners can help to reduce settling ponds or tailings storage facilities.

How Can A Thickener Help Your Operation?

At McLanahan, our goal is to make sure that your operation is running properly and efficiently. We understand that operations differ and the needs of one are not always the needs of another. In an effort to provide the best possible solution to our customers, we provide our dealers and customers with the information they need to have a complete understanding of the offerings available to them. Here are a few of the resources available to you regarding McLanahan Thickeners. 

Learn More About McLanahan Thickeners

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McLanahan Corporation offers a wide range of Thickeners and Thickener styles to meet each customer's unique requirements. Whether the operation is in need of eliminating a pond, reducing the use of water due to its short supply or in need of a small footprint solution, McLanahan's team of process engineers are dedicated to selecting the right Thickener solution for the application.

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In-House Laboratory

In order to ensure McLanahan Thickeners meet the customer's needs and operate successfully, samples of the customer's material are tested in their laboratory.

service and support

Lifetime of Service & Support

From start-up and operator training to remote monitoring of the operation and a certified dealer network for support, McLanahan has you covered.

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Expertise From Start To Finish

With experience working with all aspects of aggregate plants, McLanahan has a thorough understanding of the material going into your Thickener and how to select the right solution.

Learn more in the brochure

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Ready To Buy Or Learn More?

Our team would love to talk with you or connect you to your local dealer for more information. Reach out to us today.